About The Blog

The Jewel Farm blog is a companion site to my Etsy shop of the same name.
There will occasionally be some focus on the products of my store and my personal life as it relates to the business, but primarily the blog is about jewelry, jewelry making techniques, jewelry fashions, gemstones, artisans, and anything else interesting I can find related to jewelry.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Stacking Rings, My New Favorite Things

It's been a while, sorry... but what can I say?  Well, mostly I got in over my head with some various and sundry commitments which side tracked me from this blog.  And I kind of lost focus on my goals for this blog and my Etsy shop.  I have a lot of new items to add to my shop, but haven't even taken photos of them yet.  It's on my "to do" list; high on it.

Also, I've really been excited about sewing lately.  It is my favorite hobby and I have missed it for so long!  After having two children 18 months apart; it became difficult to find free time for any artistic endeavors.  Plus there are the dangers of sewing.  The hot iron is always on, scissors are always out, straight pins fall on the floor, and while sewing, I'm facing the machine with my back turned to my children.  It all seems like the perfect recipe for an unattended child to prick or burn themselves, fall down the stairs, climb a bookshelf or worse. But, now they are both old enough to safely entertain themselves while I stitch a few seams and it's wonderful.

But, I digress.  Perhaps my sewing is a topic for another post... or another blog actually.
In addition to my reinvigorated passion for sewing, I also want to focus some more energy on my Etsy shop.  First and foremost I'll be getting my new products photographed and listed, rather than just continually renewing my current inventory.  And I want to maintain this blog on a monthly basis, at the least.  So, here I go.

I've really been eyeing some stacking rings lately.  I like rings because they are the least hindrance to everyday activities.  I do love necklaces and bracelets very much also.  However, even though my girls have quit pulling on my necklaces, they now want me to "share" with them.  And by share, I mean let them wear the jewelry for a few minutes before they take it off and then drop it randomly some place around our house.  Then the scavenger hunt to find my belongings ensues.

Aside from my children, I particularly have an issue with bracelets in the workplace.  My job as a database analyst requires me to be typing on my computer for the most part of each workday.  I can! not! stand! having a bracelet banging on the desktop all day long as I type.  Drives me crazy!  Sometimes I will still try to wear a bracelet to work.  I end up taking it off before 10 AM and then just look at it sitting on my desk all day long.

I'll discuss earrings at some other time. I have another whole diatribe on earrings and why certain kinds bother me.

Rings!  Rings are not obtrusive.  Having the slight extra weight on my fingers makes typing feel ... actually more fun???  It sort of reminds me of the pleasure of typing with acrylic nails, except the rings aren't annoying your cube-mate with the constant tick-tick-ticking sound of fake nails on a keyboard.

Well that's enough, blah, blah, blah from me and onto the stacking rings I've found in various places around the web that I hope you agree are fantastic.  I know, I'm surely late to the party on this trend.  But for the record, I did add this topic to my list of things to write about a LONG time ago, ...I just never made the time to actually do any writing.  My apologies if you've already seen these rings.

I found this set of rings on Amazon.  I think they are very versatile and very reasonably priced at $99 for sterling silver.  The URL to purchase these rings is here.

My favorite gem may be labradorite. It's gray so it goes with a lot of my clothes. But then when light hits it, flashes of blue and yellow shine within the stone. It's a really cool effect. I don't see labradorite rings often, the stone is primarily used in necklaces and earrings. Certainly I just never saw a labradorite ring that really caught my eye like this one.  I'm really into bohemian interior design right now and these stacking rings seem to have a boho feel to them. Then add the complex coloring of labradorite and I'm sold!  You can buy this ring from Stella & Dot at this link.
I really do love the chevron shape, but I think the pattern has been overdone during the past year or two.  That being said, these rings are still really cool.  They are designed by Rebecca Minkoff and can be purchased on shopbop.com at this link.
Of course, I love, love, love to shop on Etsy for all kinds of things, especially jewelry.  A new trend I noticed on Etsy is the above knuckle ring.  They aren't not specifically stacking rings, although many times they are worn that way.  I particularly like this delightful heart design.  This ring isn't shown stacked, although you certainly could wear it that way.  And many sellers on Etsy offer their above knuckle rings in a set of three.  You can purchase the heart ring below at this link.

Until next time, happy beading, stringing and/or adorning yourself!